Thursday, September 27, 2012

. Cultivating Peace – Chapter 10


Start your meetings with smiles and laughter

Practice and Reflection from Chapter  9. Comments.

The Call

Suggested questions

  1. Which thought most resonates with you from the first sub-heading? And so on…
  2. Give ideas how to serve the whole while supporting the authentic needs of the individual.  Sub-heading 1
  3.  What characteristics of today’s emerging peace ambassadors have you achieved or are on your way to achieve.  Sub-heading 2


Cultivating Peace – Chapter 9


Start your meetings with smiles and laughter

Practice and Reflection from Chapter  8. Comments.

The Call

Suggested questions

  1. Which thought most resonates with you from the first sub-heading? And so on...
  2. Give ideas how to serve the whole while supporting the authentic needs of the individual.  Sub-heading 1
  3. What characteristics of today’s emerging peace ambassadors have you achieved or are on your way to achieve.  Sub-heading 2
  4. Are you familiar with  the great wheel of peace of Avon Mattison? Sub-heading 3
  5. Relate some examples  connected to the simple rules for complex systems? Sub-heading 4
  6. Share your experiences in connecting with the collective being. Sub-heading 5 


Cultivating Peace – Chapter 8


Start your meetings with smiles and laughter

Practice and Reflection from Chapter 7. Comments.

The Call

Suggested questions

  1. Which thought most resonates with you from the first sub-heading? And so on… 
  2. Do you know a similar story to the one of Julio Diaz?  Sub-heading 1 
  3. Have you learned how to tap into fields of collective intelligence and group wisdom or how to listen with both heart and mind?? Sub-heading 2 
  4. What are you good at: presentations, council, inquiry, conversation or deep dialog?  Sub-heading 3- 7   
  5. Talk about meditation in your life. Sub-heading 8
  6. What is your position about consensus – “to feel together”, not necessarily agreeing. Sub-heading 9
  7. Do you have any other idea for the phrase: “May Peace Prevail on Earth”. Sub-heading 10

Monday, September 17, 2012

The decision to launch a International Day of Peace Celebration in Spring Lake has had us all pretty busy.  There is a lot more to do than I imagined when I first had the impulse to do this.  Were it not for all the dedicated members of the Muskegon Cultivate Peace Group it would not be possible. Everyone is doing everything that can be done to make this a wonderful 3 hour event.  Everything is working out even better than expected. We even had a couple surprises we had not planned that ended up making all the difference in the world.  I am so thrilled that we started this Cultivating Peace Group.  It has truly changed my life in a big way. Thanks to all those wonderful loving friends who have done so much to make this event happen.  Hopefully we will get some good pictures and maybe even get some Press to move Cultivating Peace forward in West Michigan.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cultivating Peace – Chapter 7


Start your meetings with smiles and laughter.

Practice and Reflection from Chapter 6. Comments.

The Call for Chapter 7.  Comments.

Suggested questions:

Which thought most resonates with you from the first sub-heading? And so on…

Are you aware of the energies around you?
Are you aware of the energy field of the heart?  Sub-heading 1

Have you had any “Aikido” experience? Sub-heading 2

How do you process energy most of the times?  Sub-heading 3

Give examples how you release energy. Sub-heading 4


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cultivating Peace – Chapter 6


Start your meetings with smiles and laughter.

Practice and Reflection from Chapter 5. Comments.

The Call - Chapter 6.  Comments.

Suggested questions

  1. Which thought most resonates with you from the first sub-heading? And so on…

  1. Why do peace ambassadors gather facts?  Sub-heading 1

  1. What are your thoughts about: social artist, social healer and social entrepreneur? Sub-heading 2

  1. Which of the Social Truth Processes is more meaningful to you? Sub-heading 3

  1. O’Dea presents some pointers on how to share deep experience in meaningful ways. Give examples. Sub-heading 4

  1. Describe your vision of peace  Sub-heading 5

Meditation: Heart Math

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cultivating Peace – Chapter 5

Start your meetings with smiles and laughter

Practice and Reflection from Chapter 4. Comments.

The Call Chapter 5

Suggested questions:
  1. Are you starting your meetings with smiles and laughter?
  1. Practice and Reflection from Chapter 4 and Comment.
  1. Which thought most resonates with you from the first sub-heading? And so on…
  1. O’Dea refers to “Pay attention to strident tones or provocative body languages” as one of the rules for peaceful communication. Give examples. Sub-heading 1
  1. There are some additional recommendations besides the “setting field”; which ones are you practicing in your group. Sub-heading 1
  1. How good are you at listening? How good is your group?  Comment on  the different kinds of listening. Sub-heading 2
  1. Is listening becoming a form of "communing" in this group? How? Sub-heading 3 
  1. How do you create the conditions for listening inside and outside  the group Sub-heading 4 
  1. The Call.      
    Conclude with meditation.